Old Profile:
Hey people-that-use-itch.io, Noah the Epic Guy here, and today, YOU are visiting my account (actually that isn't much different if you watch my YouTube Channel.) I develop games in Unity.
Yeah so no, that's not me anymore. I've come to dislike Unity. It's "scripts as objects" approach is stupid to me, and I like Java and C++. C++ brings out the nerd in me, and Java does the same to a lesser degree while bringing out more creativeness. You see, Java is easier to understand. Anybody that's worked with both C++ and Java will know this. Of course, after you learn both, they're both really easy.
Anyways, I do a lot of game engine development rather than single games. First of all, writing game engines is fun. Second of all, I really don't have a team for my own games. I mean, hey if you want to help me do art and stuff like that, call me up (I got music, programming, and game design though), and I'll see what we can do. You'd be only doing art, and I really didn't think this would turn into an ad. Oh well.
I'll try and use this more often to post my watered-down game engines.